Bible Text: Nehemiah 3 | Speaker: Pastor Doug Allen | Series: The Book of Nehemiah | The Work of Restoration
Bible Text: 2 Cor. 5:11-21 | Speaker: Pastor Doug Allen | Series: For Ministers Only
Bible Text: Mark 8:34 | Speaker: Pastor Frank Rondon | Series: Guest Speaker - Pastor Frank Rondon | Guest Speaker Pastor Frank Rondon - Part of being a disciple is…
Bible Text: Matthew 16:24 | Speaker: Pastor Nick Stephanovic | Series: Guest Speaker - Pastor Nick Stephanovic | Guest Speaker Pastor Nick Stephanovic reminds us of the mission & call…
Bible Text: Matt. 28:18-20 | Speaker: Pastor Doug Allen | Series: The Discipline of Discipleship | The Discipline of Discipleship. A life of discipline, in our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors,…