Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

The doctrine contained in the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible, and believe that there is no writing or inspiration that is on the level with the Scripture.

We embrace the doctrines of the church which all true believers historically have confirmed: the deity of Jesus Christ, the existence of the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the virgin birth of Christ, His sinless life, His bodily resurrection, His triumph over the devil, a literal heaven and hell, and that salvation by grace, through faith, as a personal decision of each person is available to all.

We believe that since the reformation, there has been a continual restoration of truths and practices to the Church. While we offer that there is no new truth, we also know we are living in a day where truths, formerly neglected, are again being put into practice. We are ardent regarding the uniqueness of Scripture and its authority and that any restoration of truth and practice must meet Scriptural tests of authority. Some of the restoration of truth and practice we’ve seen in recent history are:


  • Worship & Praise
  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • Correct Church Government
  • World Missions
  • Authority of the Believer
  • Unity of Local Churches
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Five-fold Ministry Gifts