May 15, 2020
I am glad for this opportunity to honor the most influential woman in my life – my mother. I was blessed to grow up with amazing Christian parents. My mom was a great example to me in so many ways. She stayed at home with my six siblings and me. When I was in 8th grade, she started homeschooling me, much to my delight! It’s not easy to start homeschooling in 8th grade, but I have many wonderful memories of us learning together.
The only career I ever wanted was to be a wife and a stay at home mom like my mom. She encouraged, supported, and taught me all I needed to know. Practical things like how to clean, cook, and manage a larger than average household. And spiritual things like how to love Jesus and trust His plans for my life. She taught me that children should be welcomed as a blessing from God and not to fear natural childbirth (I know better now! Haha!). To think for myself and not just go with the flow – and the list goes on and on.
I know that the last few years have been challenging for my mom as the seasons of life change, but a mother’s job is truly never done. She is needed just as much today as she was when she had a houseful of loud, rambunctious children! I’m so thankful that I have her to help me along life’s journey.
I love you, Mom!
An excellent wife (mother) who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. Her children rise up and bless her. Proverbs 31:10,28
Standing Together,
Melissa McFeaters