May 10, 2020    


All of us women, whether married, single, divorced, widowed, childless, guardians, Nannies, Grandmothers, teachers, coaches…have all been given those precious moments, those ‘golden opportunities’ to speak into the life of a child, a daughter or son, nephew or niece, a grandchild, a student, a neighbor a friend. To encourage them, direct them, love them, teach them. I would like to dedicate this poem to you;


You are the molders of their dreams.

The gods who build or crush their young beliefs of right or wrong,   

You are the spark that sets aflame the poet’s hand, or lights the flame of some great singer’s song.


You are the gods of the young, the very young, 

You are the guardians of a million dreams.

Your every smile or frown can heal or pierce a heart.

You are 100 lives, 1,000 lives. Yours is the pride of loving them, the sorrow, too.

Your patient work, your touch, makes you the gods of hope Who fill their souls with dreams,

to make those dreams come true.   (Clark Mollenhoff)1

You have impacted lives, changed destinies, brought healing and laughter, pointed in the right direction, taught how to drive, how to cook, how to shop, how to dress, how to balance a checkbook, how to treat family and friends, how to discern right from wrong, how to honor others, how to respect themselves, how to trust,  how to fail with grace and win with humility, how to deal with heartbreaks and setbacks, how to serve and how to give, how to love and how to live!

Jesus said, “When you’ve done it to the least of these, you’ve done it unto me.”   (Matthew 25)  Receive God’s praises today. Know that even if you feel you may have failed at some things, you succeeded in others, though there were bad days there were also the good days to balance it out, you planted seeds of faith, gave them someone to believe in, You still made a difference. You loved them when you yourself felt unworthy. You gave them hope when you felt you had nothing left to give. You helped them, you really did! Even if you don’t see it now. Don’t stop praying, every whisper, every tear is being noticed. So don’t stop believing! Our prayers will outlast our years here, and they will echo in eternity. God is faithful! So, be honored and encouraged today.  Know how much you are loved and appreciated. That our labor in the Lord is never in vain. Receive a ‘kiss from heaven’ today, and trust the One who loves you, who gave his life for you. He will bring these things to pass.

Standing Together and Happy Mother’s Day!

Paula Allen


1Note – President Ronald Reagan presented a handwritten copy of the above listed poem to Guy Doud, ‘Teacher of the Year’ in 1986.  In John 10:34 (NIV) Jesus quotes Psalm 82:6 “I said, ‘You are ‘gods”, you are all sons of the Most High.’ (gods = office or title. Those given divine authority and power to rule over people in His stead).